Jeremy and I are in Illinois right now, visiting with my family for the end of the holidays. On Thursday my parents ditched us to go to my Dad's work Christmas party and Jeremy and I headed to downtown Naperville to walk around and enjoy the Christmas lights. It was dinner time and we ended up at a Mexican place that my parents used to force me to go to when I was a kid, back in the days when I didn't eat most foods and certainly didn't eat anything that might (possibly) be spicy.
While we were sitting and waiting for our (very tasty) meal, I asked him about his top five experiences in 2010, and he had me make my list as well. Not too surprisingly, our first two were the same:
1) Getting engaged - January 9
2) Getting married - September 11

It's a bit obvious to put these on our lists, but these were both great, great memories. Ones, in fact, that I've been intending to blog about (and still intend to at some point, mostly because I want to commit as much of those days to memory as possible). We also shared a third experience:
3) Kristin and Pat's wedding - July 31
It was really fun for me to be in their wedding and it was also the first of my friends to get married where I knew both partners really well as individuals instead of knowing one through the other. I also had a great time seeing Greenville again, meeting up with my favorite professor from college, and seeing all of my favorites from college (oh, Al, Amanda, Justine, Nicole, I miss you). It was also fun making the drive down to Greenville from Naperville with Jeremy (stopping to get a marriage license along the way) and making a stop at the lake on the way back before heading back to the airport.
After this our lists diverge. Jeremy had no trouble picking the next item on his list - flying with the blue angels (see here). He had, I think, a bit more trouble picking the last event, since he had a pretty awesome year and did many a crazy aviation related thing, but finally settled on the delivery flight that he took with Air New Zealand a few weeks ago (and here).
I chose a hike that Jeremy and I took to add to my list -- this hike was beautiful and a bit more challenging that what we usually attempt, so I felt really hardcore afterward. It also was a hike that we very briefly and unsuccessfully attempted in 2009, so it was nice to go back and correct that failure.
I had a hard time coming up with a fifth event. I think this is because of a central problem posed by 2010: with the (very, very large) exception of all things wedding-related, I didn't really do much in 2010 except work and school. It made me a bit sad, really, to think about how little else that I did, and one of my goals for this next year is to get out a bit more, and not be so overwhelmed by school and work. I finally settled on having my dad visit in February of last year. It was fun to show him around the city and, in a notable departure from normal, it was a beautiful few days.
If I can manage, wedding related blog posts to soon follow. I realize I'm super behind on this, but hey, no one has to read it if they don't want to.
Happy New Year!